Child Sponsorship FAQs

Yes, each child chooses just one sponsor. For all World Vision child sponsorships, a child is matched with only one sponsor, creating a unique one-to-one relationship.
Yes, your new sponsored child will get your keep your photo. This is a wonderful way for them to start their friendship with you.
When you sign up to be chosen, you'll receive a series of emails keeping you updated on the process: when your photo arrives in the community, when the choosing party will happen, and when you'll find out about the child who chose you!

All sponsors will receive a special introduction to the child who chose them through email, as well as a special packet about the child and their community in the mail.

Yes! Sponsored Children love to hear from you and love the opportunity to learn about New Zealand. In turn, you will receive a letter from your Sponsored Child or, if they are too young, written on behalf of them by their parents or a local World Vision staff member.

If you’re not sure what to write, why not tell them about your life in New Zealand, your family and what you like to do for fun. Remember to keep your letters short and simple as in many of the countries where we work English is not the first language of the World Vision staff translators.

Please include your sponsored child's ID and name on your letter and the back of the envelope. Do not write your address on the letter as it could fall into the wrong hands. Address the envelope to the World Vision address shown on your sponsored child's information sheet. 

Alternatively, sending an email to your Sponsored Child works just like sending them a letter through the post, only you don't need to go to the post box. Login to your My World Vision account to send an email your Sponsored Child.