About World Vision

We're proud to be considered one of the best child sponsorship charities to donate to in New Zealand.

Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness

World Vision New Zealand is a registered charity powered by thousands of generous Kiwis like you. We're a community of change-makers helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, to overcome poverty and injustice and build brighter futures for themselves.

As a Christian charity, we show unconditional love to our global neighbours in need – of any faith or none.

We believe every child is precious. Every life matters.

When you join us, you become part of the global World Vision Partnership. Together, we're working to improve children's lives in almost 100 countries, including advocacy here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

It’s your generosity that enables us to bring positive change to the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children.

“Never in history has it been more possible to help make real change in people’s lives and futures than it is right now. Going towards rather than away from suffering is part of living life in all its fullness – both for us and for the children and communities we serve.”

Grant Bayldon, National Director,
World Vision New Zealand

We pursue the highest standards of stewardship and accountability

We ensure all resources entrusted to us are used effectively to bring maximum impact. In 2023, 82% of World Vision New Zealand's total operating expenses were used for international programme support that benefited children, families and communities in need. Learn more about our impact.

World Vision New Zealand is:

  • Registered with the Charities Commission (registration CC25984).
  • A member of the Council for International Development (CID) and is a signatory to the CID Code of Conduct (http://www.cid.org.nz).
  • Externally and independently audited every year by PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand. The auditor's full 2024 financial report can be downloaded here.
  • Governed by a voluntary board of New Zealand trustees.
  • Accountable to our international body, World Vision International.
  • Aligned with international codes of conduct setting standards and benchmarks.
  • Committed to best-practice accountability to reduce the risk of corruption and fraud.
  • Regularly peer-reviewed for adherence to governance and management standards.
Externally and independently audited

Externally and independently audited

World Vision New Zealand is externally and independently audited every year by PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand. The full 2023 general purpose financial report can be downloaded here. PricewaterhouseCoopers have conducted their audit of the financial statements in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand) (ISAs (NZ)) and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). The audit of the service performance information was conducted in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (New Zealand) 3000 (Revised) (ISAE (NZ) 3000 (Revised)). Their responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of general purpose financial report section of the above report.

CID Code Compliant Tick

CID Code Compliant Tick

World Vision New Zealand is a member of the Council for International Development (CID) and is a signatory to the CID Code of Conduct (‘the CID Code’). The CID Code Compliant ‘tick’ signifies that we have met the standards and expectations of corporate governance, transparency, accountability, and good practice, as outlined in the CID Code. Complaints relating to alleged breaches of the CID Code by any signatory agency can be made to the independent CID Code of Conduct Committee.