40 Hour Challenge FAQs

We do not promote or recommend no-eating challenges or food restriction of any kind. This includes restriction or labelling of so-called ‘bad’ or ‘unhealthy’ foods. We recommend adult/parental supervision and guidance with all challenges. If you have a health condition, please check with your healthcare provider.
World Vision New Zealand has committed to accelerate climate action through all levels of its work. This applies to its advocacy objectives, youth engagements, internal policies and processes, external programming work, and fundraising activities.

In particular, we are partnering with communities to help them adapt to changing weather patterns, restore ecosystems, reduce their impact on the environment, and to become resilient to natural disasters and extreme weather that may impact their homes, water supply and livelihoods.

We are also advocating with governments for equitable climate action. We want to help strengthen the autonomy and participation of women, children, and people with disabilities who are disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis.
Climate action aims to prevent the most severe impacts of climate change. Climate action includes mitigating and adapting to climate change. Mitigation involves taking action to reduce carbon emissions which helps to deal with the issue of climate change at its source while adaptation helps communities to live with the changing climate.
Climate justice aims to address these inequities through justice-oriented climate action. This means ensuring that communities that are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis are treated fairly and have equal access to resources and opportunities.

  It may mean that countries which are greater contributors to carbon emissions have to do more to help address the impact of climate change.

Climate justice is about combining climate action and equity – which means the burden and benefits of addressing climate change are distributed fairly.