40 Hour Challenge FAQs

World Vision New Zealand has committed to making a 20% reduction in our organisation’s climate emissions by 2030 and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

This is part of an overall environmental and climate action strategy which sets measurable targets to reduce our environmental impact, including our carbon footprint.

In addition, World Vision has introduced an Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action policy to ensure that our programming is environmentally sustainable and focused on climate action. This includes work such as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration, climate smart agriculture, water resource management, energy efficient technologies, and waste management protocols.
The climate crisis is a global challenge that requires collective action. We see the climate crisis as an environmental and social justice issue which is underpinned by deeper societal inequalities, in particular the fact that many low-income countries (developing countries) have contributed the least to climate change and carbon emissions but are paying the greatest price in terms of impact on their communities.

Historical and contemporary contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, such as wealthier countries like New Zealand, face fewer consequences compared to structurally disadvantaged communities, including children, Indigenous peoples, people with disability, and those in poverty.
Variations on FMNR have been practised for over 1000 years in communities around the world. However, the technique was formally developed in Niger by Australia’s Tony Rinaudo, who works as World Vision’s Natural Resources Management Specialist, over 35 years ago.

It is a simple technique that taps into existing root networks to help regrow trees. It is more cost effective and successful than planting seedlings.

In Timor-Leste, more than 90 percent of original forests have been lost so this technique is a total game changer.

Revived forests can help provide cleaner air, prevent landslides and protect life-changing water sources during droughts. They also promote biodiversity, better soil for crops, more shade, and drawing down harmful carbon dioxide emissions. This supports the well-being of whole communities, generating income opportunities, stable food and water sources, and opportunities for strengthening social cohesion.
Our goal is to bring back one billion hectares of global forest over the next 10 years. If we can do it, we could remove up to a quarter of the world’s carbon from our atmosphere.