40 Hour Challenge FAQs

Posting an update to your online fundraising page is a great way to tell your supporters more about what you are fundraising for. You can post updates on your progress and why you are helping change everything by bringing clean water to children living in the world's toughest places.

  1. Login to your My World Vision and select ‘My fundraising’ and the page you want to update.
  2. Select the ‘post an update’ button. 
  3. Write what you want to post, and you can add a picture to jazz it up! 
  4. Select the ‘post’ button and your update will go up on your page straight away.  
Remember to share your page to your social media and friends and family – to make sure you reach your fundraising target. #40HOURNZ
You can edit your fundraising page in My World Vision any time during your fundraising.
  1. Log in to your My World Vision and select ‘My fundraising’ and the page you want to edit. 
  2. Select the ‘Edit page’ button. 
  3. Here you can update your goal, mission statement, cover image and profile picture. 
  4. Save your changes and your updates will go up on your page straight away. 

To keep everyone safe online, we do have a couple of rules though for posting and sharing messages on your fundraising page. Please check out our guidelines here.  

Remember to share your page to your social media and friends and family – to make sure you reach your fundraising target. #40HOURNZ
World Vision is dedicated to meaningfully addressing the climate crisis because we recognise that it is one of the greatest challenges for the children and communities with whom we work.

The changing climate is increasing the risk of natural disasters such as drought, flooding, landslides and cyclones. Millions of people in communities around the world are already experiencing more of these extreme weather events and the subsequent effects on health, wellbeing, housing, infrastructure and livelihood.

In addition, the changing climate is affecting the ability of vulnerable communities to grow crops, farm livestock, access clean water and increases the risk of certain diseases for millions of people.

World Vision recognises that the climate crisis affects the rights of children to a healthy environment and a future in which they can thrive. That’s why it’s crucial for us to play a part in addressing the impacts of the changing climate.

Furthermore, as a Christian organisation, World Vision believes that we must do all we can to care for and protect God’s creation, both the natural world and the human beings that reside within it.