Child Sponsorship FAQs

While we understand you want to write a heartfelt message to your Sponsored Child, there are a few things we recommend you stay clear of. For instance: 
  • Avoid topics of religion or politics, as cultural backgrounds can be varied.
  • Consider the circumstances in which your sponsored child lives and avoid writing about material possessions.
  • Never write your address.
It’s a great idea to ask your Sponsored Child questions in your letter. It lets them know you are interested in their life. You can ask things like:
  • What are your favourite activities or subjects at school?
  • Is your school close by or do you have far to travel? 
  • Do you know anything about New Zealand?
  • What do you like to do in your spare time?
Yes! Your Sponsored Child would treasure a photo of you and your family. 

Please be sensitive when choosing which photo to send, as standards of clothing and modesty vary greatly in other countries.
Many sponsors like to send a gift to their Sponsored Child. The best gift you can give your Sponsored Child is your friendship. 

Sponsored children love receiving letters from their sponsors and learning more about our life here in New Zealand. But, large bulky gifts can attract unwanted attention and can cause jealousy within the community.

You can send a small gift with your letter such as; stickers, balloons, postcards, pencils or other small items that can fit in a standard envelope, anything larger is not appropriate.