World Vision launches global response to escalating hunger crisis

24 May 2022 by World Vision
World Vision launches global response to escalating hunger crisis

• Ukraine conflict has pushed growing numbers of starving people to crisis levels
• 45 million people are now at risk of starvation
• World Vision is responding globally with a focus on the 24 worst-affected nations

For only the second time in its history, aid organisation World Vision has launched a global humanitarian response as the conflict in Ukraine supercharges a worldwide hunger crisis in which 45 million people face starvation.

The Global Hunger Response will see World Vision focus on hunger hotspots around the globe where children are one step away from famine or facing starvation.

The move follows the conflict in Ukraine which has resulted in port closures, sanctions, and trade restrictions that have dramatically driven up the price of fuel, fertiliser, and wheat to exacerbate an already perilous hunger crisis.

World Vision’s National Director, Grant Bayldon, says there is now the potential for mass starvation across multiple nations around the world. 

“The numbers we are talking about are mind-boggling – 45 million people. But the reality of that day-to-day is that mothers in parts of Africa are having to wake in the night to check their babies’ pulse to make sure their children are surviving the night.

“Families really are so desperate for food and so hungry that they are considering the unimaginable in order to survive,” he says.

Bayldon says the conflict in Ukraine, along with Covid-19 and climate change, have helped to create a “perfect storm” for the growing hunger crisis.

He says World Vision’s Global Hunger Response will build on efforts to address widespread hunger and malnutrition that have already reached around 11.5 million people.

“World Vision is already working with communities around the globe to address hunger and starvation and we’ve helped so many, but we need to expand our efforts to keep pace with the worsening situation,” Bayldon says.

World Vision is uniquely positioned to respond due to its significant operational presence and its expertise and leadership in providing cash, food, and nutrition programmes, as well as being the World Food Programme’s largest partner for the delivery of emergency food supplies.   

However, the organisation is also calling on the international community to prioritise the lives of the millions of children who are at risk of dying of starvation right now.

“Our staff living in the communities they serve are doing everything in their power to help those worst-affected by the hunger crisis. But we urgently need more support to scale up this life-saving work. Urgent funding must be provided immediately. We must all step up to ensure every child can achieve their potential in life," Bayldon says.


Key facts: 
• 45 million people in 43 countries face starvation.  Countries with current/projected populations in the worst famine classification of IPC 5 are Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Afghanistan  
• The World Food Programme estimates that the number of people facing acute food insecurity could rise from 276million to between 309 million and 323 million under different scenarios due to the conflict in Ukraine[1]. 
• World Vision will be focused on at least 24 countries as part of its Global Hunger Response.  These countries are: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda,  Tanzania, Angola, DR Congo, Central African Rep, Chad, Burkina Faso, Lebanon, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Myanmar.

For further information, please contact: Kirsty Jones or Chloe Irvine on 022 340 4271.