
Join the movement: advocate for lasting change.

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We want all children, everywhere, to live in safety and dignity.

We advocate for lasting change. We believe in the power of a person’s voice and its ability to do the impossible, to battle inequality and call for justice. We relentlessly advocate for an end to violence against children and ensure the voices of the world’s most vulnerable children are heard loud and clear.

As we work alongside communities to build a better world for children, our advocacy challenges the policies, systems, structures, practices and attitudes that make it difficult for vulnerable children and their families to experience life in all its fullness.

By addressing the systemic contributors to and causes of poverty, World Vision’s advocacy work ensures that community transformation is sustainable and scalable. World Vision advocates at the local, national, regional and global levels, informed by our experience working with communities.

We're taking action against modern slavery.

We're taking action against modern slavery.

Every person should be free from slavery, safe at work and treated with dignity. In New Zealand, we're connected to children, women and men trapped in slavery through the clothes we wear and products we buy. Unlike many other countries, New Zealand has no accountability for companies creating our products. But our government can change that.

A group of experts, including a representative from World Vision have drafted a Modern Slavery Bill that is ready for introduction to Parliament: the Combatting Trafficking in Persons and Modern Day Forms of Slavery Bill!

This bill represents three years of hard work and collaboration with you! It marks a key milestone in our campaign for modern slavery legislation.
Read our report to learn more about the bill now

Make it 18: Children advocating for change in the Solomon Islands

Currently 21% of girls and 4% of boys are married before the age of 18 in Solomon Islands with 6% of girls married before the age of 15.

Through our Make it 18 Campaign, we’re calling on the Solomon Islands Government to raise the legal marriage from 15 to 18, ensuring every child is protected from child marriage. Children, youth, parents, and leaders have voiced overwhelming support for legal reforms to prevent child marriage. Our latest report captures their voices and outlines actionable recommendations to the Government of Solomon Islands that we hope will lead to law change.

Read the report now

New Zealand’s Responsibility to provide its fair share of Climate Finance

New Zealand’s Responsibility to provide its fair share of Climate Finance

As climate change intensifies, communities least responsible for its impact bear the heaviest burden. New Zealand, alongside other high-income nations, have a responsibility to support communities in low-income countries grappling with the impacts of climate change.

With the establishment of a new climate finance global goal of US$300 million by 2035 at COP29, wealthy countries like New Zealand need to take the lead in meeting this goal to support countries on the frontlines of climate change.

World Vision New Zealand is urging the New Zealand Government to commit to paying its fair share of the new global goal when its current funding ends in 2025. Our recent report with Oxfam Aotearoa finds New Zealand’s fair share to be at least 0.38% and up to 0.66% of the global goal.

Together, we are making a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children.

Strengthening New Zealand’s child trafficking laws

Strengthening New Zealand’s child trafficking laws

Did you know New Zealand’s definition of child trafficking doesn't align with the international definition? As Chair of the Human Trafficking Research Coalition, we've been advocating for New Zealand’s definition to be amended so that the prevalence of child trafficking in New Zealand can be ascertained accurately and addressed appropriately.

Learn more

Ending violence against children

Ending violence against children

We believe that a world without violence against children is possible. As part of a five-year campaign across World Vision offices globally, we are encouraging governments and communities around the world to do more to end violence against children, highlight it when it occurs, and hold those responsible to account.

We particularly work to address the high rates of physical and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste and Vanuatu.

We're advocating with refugees forced to leave everything behind.

Afghanistan evacuation and resettlement research report

Afghanistan evacuation and resettlement research report

This research highlights the challenges faced by Afghan nationals who resettled in Aotearoa New Zealand in 2021 following the fall of Kabul.

The report, commissioned by World Vision, Amnesty International, and Action Station, urges the New Zealand Government to provide equal support to all people who resettle for humanitarian reasons, and to develop and resource an effective crisis evacuation and resettlement model for future emergencies.

Read the full report here

Special Ukraine Policy Survey

Special Ukraine Policy Survey

In March 2022, the New Zealand Government announced the Special Ukraine Policy. While this policy allowed for 4,000 Ukrainians to enter New Zealand, World Vision was alerted to the fact that very few people were arriving.

World Vision with Mahi for Ukraine surveyed nearly 200 Ukrainians to understand current barriers to accessing the visa and produced a report with key policy recommendations for the Government.

In 2023, the Government agreed to several of the policy changes, which will allow more Ukrainians to seek safety in New Zealand.

Read the full report here

Fair for all refugee quota

Fair for all refugee quota

In 2019, we campaigned to change discriminatory refugee quota restrictions – and we succeeded. We called on the Government to end restrictions that blocked refugees from Africa and the Middle East settling here.

While the number of people fleeing conflict in Africa and the Middle East had increased, policy restrictions like needing family members already living in New Zealand meant since 2011, only 12 refugees from South Sudan had been allowed to resettle here.

In October 2019, the government announced they were finally scrapping the family link policy.

When people in power understand the rights and needs of children, lives can be transformed.