Submit to support modern slavery law today.
Making a submission to the government means your voice will be added to a chorus calling for change that creates a real impact in the lives of people impacted by slavery.We want to make it as easy as possible for you to share with the government why this proposal for law matters to you, which is why we’ve created a template for you to start from below. You’ll find three key things we believe modern slavery law should include so that it has real impact in the lives of people in Kiwi supply chains.
Please note this form is editable. Feel free to get as creative as you want, or to stick to what is already there.
You can write in your own reasons for why you think we need modern slavery law in New Zealand. Here are a few examples of what you might like to say:
- I believe that everyone, no matter where they live, should have access to dignified, fairly paid work.
- I believe that children should be able to be children. That they should be in school, not in slavery.
- Kiwis care about fairness and dignity. Modern slavery goes against Kiwi values, and we need law to do everything we can to stop it from existing in Kiwi supply chains.
Thanks so much for making this submission on this proposal for law today.