Family Income

You can lift children, their families and communities out of poverty by helping to build the foundation for better lives.

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Breaking the poverty cycle with economic empowerment.

Skills training and education
Access to skills training, business coaching and education helps break the cycle of poverty. Together, we're strengthening families' capacity to provide for their children. 

Savings and loans programmes
Community member saving groups support families to save money regularly and enable communities to plan and invest in their future. Members can take turns borrowing money to start or grow a business.

Increasing agricultural productivity
We train farmers in climate-smart agriculture practices so they can grow more significant and varied crops. This helps increase the quantity and quality of produce, both for their family and for sale.

Give the gift of improved Family Income!

$50 to buy a goat
Now here’s a gift a family can really goat into. A goat will give them milk for nutrition and extra income, and offspring they can sell to pay for their kids’ school fees and healthcare. Goats also provide fertiliser for crops.

$160 to help a woman start a business
Kickstart a woman’s success story by giving her the skills, training, support and access to a low-cost loan, she can start a small business, create new jobs and provide for her children.

$975 to fund a community savings bank
This mini bank for people who can’t access traditional banks will pay off in a big way. You’ll give struggling families the power to save money and earn interest - many for the first time.

$2,245 to kit out farms & fields
You can give families the tools to put food on their own tables. Your gift will help a family to beat poverty with a Fish Farm, Cows, Family Vege Gardens, Garden Tools, as well as Mini Farms of Goats, Ducks and Chickens.

To end poverty, we have to make sure economic growth is inclusive of all people, so everyone has the chance to earn an income and provide for their family.



Family gardens are vital to survival in the Pacific – not only do they feed communities, but they're also an essential part of local economies. But the changing climate has put them under threat.

Thanks to your support, we are helping communities to develop other ways of making money, saving up for the future and assisting families in navigating their changing environment.

Learn more about our work supporting the Pacific.



A third of the world's poorest people live in South Asia, where the gulf between the rich and poor is growing ever wider, and the population of the urban poor is rising.

We work with communities to make sure children have access to food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and schooling by helping their families earn money, through skills training and micro-finance.

Learn more about our work in Asia.



Many of the poorest people in Africa are rural farmers, growing only enough food to feed their families, and selling just enough to get by.

Your support is helping parents provide for their children, save and manage money for schooling and healthcare. Thanks to you, families can find other types of jobs, making it easier to have additional sources of income. 

Learn more about our work in Africa.

You can lift children, their families and communities out of poverty.

Every $1 you donate will provide $6 of urgent life-changing support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

“Chickens have given a future to my children. Without these chickens, my family would have been wallowing in poverty.”

- Esnart, Zambia

Esnart with her child Resheal and grandchild Chansa.