Wellbeing outcomes to end violence,
enable livelihoods,and improve nutrition.

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Tui Tuia te Oranga | To weave wellbeing

In the Pacific and South East Asia, the social fabric that protects children is fraying, worn thin by poverty, and disasters.

You can help weave well-being for children. Through WOVEN, you can protect them from the aftershocks of the pandemic and help them to grow and thrive.

WOVEN is a five-year partnership with the New Zealand Aid Programme, focused on helping children and families in the Pacific and South East Asia to overcome violence, malnutrition and poverty. Through our work together, we’re empowering families and helping them to grow stronger.



of children in Timor Leste have stunted growth.

1 in 3

1 in 3

girls aged 15-19 in Vanuatu experience physical violence.



of families in Laos have no ability to save money for their future.

Reach malnourished children before it’s too late.

Reach malnourished children before it’s too late.

The Pacific and Timor-Leste region have some of the world’s highest rates of stunting. It has lifelong impacts on a child’s health and learning. Stunting can’t be reversed beyond age 2, but it can be prevented.

You can reach children before it’s too late, with growth monitoring to find kids who need help and education programmes to teach parents about nutrition. “I’m happy to learn that children under 6 months have to be fed only milk. I will apply this to my way of feeding my 4-month-old son from now on,” says Mrs Ahyruen, a mum from Laos.

You’ll also train families to raise livestock and grow vegetables, so they can stop stunting for good.

Donate now

You can make real and lasting change in the lives of children.

Every $1 you donate can grow to $3 thanks to our partnership with the New Zealand Aid Programme across Asia and the Pacific.

Partnering together for long-term sustainable change to strengthen children's wellbeing.

Children are protected from violence.

Children are protected from violence.

Family-based violence affects the wellbeing of the most vulnerable children across Asia and the Pacific. Together, we're working with communities to establish a supportive environment where children can feel safe, pursue their potential and thrive.

Families can meet their basic needs.

Families can meet their basic needs.

Caregivers of the most vulnerable children often lack enough income to meet their children's basic needs. Together, we're strengthening families' capacity to provide food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and schooling for their children.

Children's nutrition is improved.

Children's nutrition is improved.

Alarming rates of malnutrition across Asia and the Pacific is inhibiting healthy development for the most vulnerable children. Together, we're working with families to teach them to improve nutrition and dietary diversity, ensuring children grow up healthy.

Help provide a brighter future for children like Don

Help provide a brighter future for children like Don

The rain ruined Don’s family’s crops year after year. When the crops failed, Don would go hungry. But not anymore. For months, Don hasn’t felt the pain of hunger. The weather hasn’t gotten any better, but everything else has.

With the support of the project, Don’s dad has learned new ways of farming that work even when it rains. “There is a change in our family,” says Don’s hard-working dad, Aumdia. “Before, the vegetables died when it rained, so we didn’t have enough food.” But now, Don can find food right outside his door.

Now that Don has plenty to eat, he can focus on the future. “I want to be an automotive technician when I grow up and have my own repair store and house,” he says. Thank you for helping Don build the future he dreams of.

Support other children and families like Dons.

Your support is making a life-changing impact for children.

1,781 people set aside money for school fees, medical expenses, and business capital through savings groups.

1,206 youth participated in leadership clubs. Because of you, they’re transforming their lives and communities.

1,192 children received support to help them recover from malnutrition. You also equipped their parents to start gardening and raising livestock.

Standing together with children in need.

Standing together with children in need.

WOVEN builds on a 15-year history of World Vision and the New Zealand Aid Programme working together across Asia and the Pacific.

With your help, the programme will reach 6,000 children and their families in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Laos and Timor Leste.

Together, we're tackling deep-seated issues that cause vulnerable children to suffer disproportionately – poverty, malnutrition and violence. This includes addressing harmful social norms, gender inequality and environmental factors that force children into the margins of society.

And because of our partnership, every $1 you donate will grow to $3 to protect and care for our region’s most vulnerable children.

Our WOVEN Partnership is built on shared values.



We engage in open and honest conversations, sharing insights and learnings to ensure the greatest impact for children.



We empower each other and local partners, act respectfully with integrity and in good faith, working cohesively together to resolve any issues.



We actively seek equity through shared responsibility, listening, consulting, and building each other's strengths.



We work together, collaborating on our processes and are committed to learning from both successes and challenging experiences.



We hold each other accountable for our shared goals by giving and receiving feedback in honest and respectful ways.

You can make real and lasting change in the lives of children.

Every $1 you donate can grow to $3 thanks to our partnership with the New Zealand Aid Programme across Asia and the Pacific.