Visionaries Group

You can be part of our Visionaries Group.

Supporters who let us know that they have included a gift in their Will are invited to become members of our Visionaries Group. This group recognises members’ generosity to this special type of giving and allows us to thank you personally and honour your legacy commitment.

As a Visionary, you will be kept informed of any changes that may affect estate planning. It also provides you with an opportunity to stay closely connected to other supporters and the on-going transformational work around the world that is made possible because of people like you.

Join our Visionaries Group today and transform lives.

"Our future gift will ensure children can fulfil their dreams" - Raewyn Ford

"Our future gift will ensure children can fulfil their dreams" - Raewyn Ford

Raewyn and Brent Ford, Visionaries

Raewyn and Brent Ford have seen their sponsored children's lives transform through letters and photos and witnessed them develop from vulnerable young children to aspiring leaders in their communities. 

A highlight was visiting one of their sponsor children in Tanzania. "It was a true privilege to meet her and her family. The World Vision staff showed us several initiatives in the community being funded by child sponsors, such as building health clinics, renovating school classrooms and installing wells to provide access to clean water. 

This work is making a huge difference to so many people. We were so impressed by what we saw that when we updated our Wills, we each chose to include a gift to World Vision. It seemed an obvious way of continuing to help people who have not had the same advantage as we have."

"We have the power to change a child's world" - Angela Campbell

"We have the power to change a child's world" - Angela Campbell

Angela Campbell, Visionary

Angela Campbell's family journey with World Vision started in the 1980s after a trip to Mexico. They found the experience confronting, as the Auckland family was used to the comforts of life. 

"Returning to New Zealand was the perfect opportunity to start sponsoring a child in Mexico. More than forty years later, I've lost count of the number of children we've sponsored. It's also been a privilege to be a representative for the 40 Hour Famine, visiting Auckland schools.

Seeing the work first-hand gave me a much better idea of how a future gift in a Will can help create life in all its fullness for children,"  shared Angela.

"By remembering World Vision in my Will and leaving a legacy of hope, it'll be possible for me to support the most vulnerable children – even after I've gone."

"Our heart has always broken for those suffering" - Geoff and Winifred Fawcet

"Our heart has always broken for those suffering" - Geoff and Winifred Fawcet

Geoff and Winifred Fawcet, Visionaries

Geoff and Winfred Fawcet are approaching their 50th anniversary of partnering with 14 communities in South America, Africa and Asia. They started their World Vision journey in 1971 when they sponsored a child in Cambodia. 

Nearly 30 years later, they visited Cambodia, where they saw World Vision continuing to make a lasting difference in the lives of children's families and their communities. 

Geoff says, leaving a gift in their Will means they can help World Vision to "continue their good work helping children long after we're gone." 

After living a blessed life, they feel privileged to leave a legacy so they can continue supporting the most vulnerable. "It feels good to do something to help," Winifred shared. 
Including a gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will to World Vision, no matter the size, will break the chains of poverty for future generations.

Where your gift will go

Where your gift will go

Your future gift will be used wisely and cost-effectively so that it has the greatest impact and creates a lasting difference for children of the future.

How to leave a gift

How to leave a gift

Including a gift in your Will is simple to do, doesn't impact on your day-to-day living and gives satisfaction knowing that your generosity will live on.



Whether you're updating your Will, or creating one for the first time, we're here to help. Check out these FAQs or contact us for more information.