
Five years of deadly drought, followed by devastating floods, have pushed children to the edge of starvation.
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Help hungry children in Somalia and other dangerous places today

Right now, famine is looming in Somalia. Children are struggling to survive the worst hunger crisis in living memory. Conflict, droughts and soaring food prices are pushing families to the edge of starvation. Please help. There's no time to waste.

Every $1 you give will provide $6 worth of urgent support to help children survive, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations. It means you can make six times more impact for children in Somalia whose lives are on the line. Give now

You can choose to make a life-saving difference today

Somalis are facing a fifth year of failed rainy seasons and deadly drought, followed by devastating floods. Their crops and livestock – food and income – are gone. Famine is looming. Children are starving. And there’s just not enough emergency food.

Families are streaming into camps and urban settlements, exhausted, sick and hungry. They're desperately searching for food and safety. Will they find it?

Your love can make a life-saving difference for little ones who are weak with hunger. Ready-to-use therapeutic food like Plumpy’Nut® can pull a child back from the brink of starvation. Whatever you can give today will go such a long way!

Please rush life-saving support to children in Somalia and other hungry places.

A monthly gift of $10 will provide $60 of urgent support to children whose lives are on the line, thanks to our partnerships with other organisations.

“My child is sick and we are looking for food.”

“My child is sick and we are looking for food.”

Fatuma is worried about her son Muad. She’s been walking with her four kids for days to find help for Muad and refuge from the drought that’s ravaging Somalia. “My biggest fear is that he might die of hunger. He can't breastfeed,” she says. “He won’t take food. He needs treatment.”

Muad is 1.5 years old, but weighs just 6.8 kilograms. That’s the average weight for a 4-month-old baby. He’s way too thin. “I feel so bad. My baby has never walked,” says Fatuma. Muad’s upper-arm measurement is in the red zone. Which means hunger is killing him. If he doesn’t urgently receive high-energy food and support, he won’t survive.

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“Until the world gets angry about this, children will keep dying. Angry that families are walking for days on end to find food. Angry that some mothers are forced to bury their children in a shallow grave along the way. Angry that in an abundant world, children and babies are dying from an entirely preventable problem - a lack of nutritious food.”

– Mary Njeri, Global Hunger Response Director, World Vision

“A month ago I felt helpless, but now I see Hamdi will be well.”

“A month ago I felt helpless, but now I see Hamdi will be well.”

Habiibo’s baby Hamdi is her joy and the reason she keeps going. But just one month ago, malnutrition was killing her. Little Hamdi was desperately hungry. She coughed constantly and had diarrhoea all the time. At 7 months, she weighed only 4kg, almost half that of a healthy girl her age.

Habiibo rushed to find help. And because of generous, kind supporters like you, help met her with open arms. Hamdi received special therapeutic baby food that saved her life. After one month of treatment, she's back to a healthy weight and her cough has gone. Habiibo is so grateful. “I feel hopeful my baby’s health is back on track,” she says.

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As part of an international partnership working in nearly 100 countries, World Vision New Zealand pursues the highest standards of stewardship and accountability.

In 2023, 82% of World Vision New Zealand's total operating expenses were used for international program support that benefited children, families and communities in need. Learn more.