Bukene Community, Tanzania

Thanks to your generosity, and the determination of the people of Bukene; children in the Tanzanian community now have a brighter future ahead of them. We completed our work here in September 2018.

  • Population43,927
  • Villages10
  • Temp 19°C
With your support through Child Sponsorship we have partnered with the Bukene community for 15 years, and have now come to the end of our journey with them.

The good news is that they have a bright and sustainable future ahead of them. They’re now empowered with the training, structures and confidence to continue developing their community on their own. 

This transformation has been made possible thanks to your ongoing support and commitment to the children of Bukene. 

Today we celebrate a community filled with hope.
Thanks to you, 43,927 lives are transformed. Here's a heartfelt 'Thank you!' video filmed especially for you from the people of Bukene!