Nyachipele Community, Malawi

Nyachipele Community, Malawi
  • Population14,984
  • Villages100
  • Temp 21°C
Nyachipele is a rural community in southern Malawi. A farming community which has been hit by drought every year for the last 10 years. Climate change is driving an increase in the natural disasters like cyclones that destroy homes and crops. Kids in Nyachipele are suffering terribly from hunger and preventable diseases.

Sponsorship is helping to tackle three challenges facing children in Nyachipele:
  1. Farming families struggle to grow crops, so kids go hungry.
  2. Water from unsafe sources makes children sick.
  3. Climate change and natural disasters make it even harder for families to provide.

Partnering together for a sustainable future.

By sponsoring children in Nyachipele community, you are making an incredible difference in vulnerable children’s lives.

Your support is helping Nyachipele community by improving the physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of the most vulnerable children.

Through decades of experience, we have proven that the most effective way to help a child is to strengthen their entire community, caring for every child along the way. In fact, because of these community-focused solutions, for every child you sponsor, 4 more benefit too!

Together, we are tackling the hard problems, such as changing mindsets and behaviours to address the root causes of poverty. We're focusing on building skills, hope and opportunity for the children of Nyachipele community.

Your support is making a life-changing impact for children in Nyachipele.

You’ll help teach farmers new ways to grow more crops so they can earn more income and feed their families.

You’ll help build water systems to provide clean water close to homes, schools, and health clinics. You’ll also help families practice safe sanitation and hygiene.

You’ll help train the community on climate-smart farming, conservation and how to mitigate the risks of a disaster so they can secure their resources for the long term.

“One of our biggest challenges is food insecurity. This is my field of maize and I have no hope of harvesting anything due to pests which destroyed my crop. This is the second crop after Cyclone Freddy washed away my first crop and that of other community members.” "
– Emines (52)

"We sit on the floor as you can see. There are no desks in most of the classrooms at my school and this makes us to be dirty and unhygienic"
– Hilda (13)    

"I enjoy teaching mothers the best practices on how to prepare nutritious meals for their children."
– Ivy (38), with cooking stick

Transforming communities together.

We will partner with the Nyachipele community until 2033. Starting by building trust and establishing a clear understanding of the needs of the community. We will work together to establish and deliver sustainable projects that strengthen the community, making it a place where children thrive.

Started 2023

Completing 2033

“We walk long distances to find this water point, and this affects our time for our school assignments”.

- Hanna (14), Nyachipele community, Malawi 

Other ways you can help vulnerable children.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a Child

You can help another child break free from poverty, for good. Your sponsorship will help bring essentials like clean water, education and healthcare to a child and their community.

Childhood Rescue

Childhood Rescue

Children in the world’s most dangerous places need you now. Help them survive, recover and build a future. You can provide life-saving food, water and protection to kids whose lives are on the line.

Gift in your Will

Gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will to World Vision is a wonderfully generous way to ensure the values that are important to you live on, as you continue impacting communities around the world.