Togogana Community, Mali

Kids in Togogana are thriving, thanks to you! The community is ready to manage their own future by themselves. What an achievement!

Togogana Community, Mali
  • Population51,163
  • Villages44
  • Temp 40°C
You’ve made a life-changing difference for children in Togogana!

Togogana community in Mali is now flourishing and becoming self-sufficient - thanks to your kindness and support.

You didn’t just target the symptoms of poverty. You worked hand-in-hand with the people of Togogana to tackle its root causes – making the greatest impact on the biggest issues children faced. Today, children and their families are thriving and making progress on their own. Thank you for transforming lives!

You’ve changed children’s lives. Thank you!

The people of Togogana created this special video to thank you for the amazing change you’ve made possible in their community.


 94% of young people are in school or learning a trade.

Thank you for bringing quality education to children so that they can write their own futures.

Your support has meant that today, thousands more children are going to school and getting a quality education. At the time of most recent reporting, an incredible 94% of young people in Togogana community are in school or learning a trade.

You've built new classrooms with plenty of desks, books and resources to use, and you've supported teachers' continued training. Thanks to you, kids are reading with more understanding and doing better in maths. 

Because of you, children are excited and dreaming about their future!


 95% of children eat well-balanced meals.

Nutrition in Togogana

Thanks to you, children and families are eating well and staying healthy.

You've helped increase the number of children that eat well-balanced meals from just 23% of children in 2011 to an incredible 95% in 2020. What an amazing change!

You've trained parents and caregivers to cook nutritious meals with local foods to improve nutrition and dietary diversity, ensuring children grow up healthy and nourished. Families are now growing their own vegetables, giving them a wider variety of food to eat.

Thanks to you, now fewer young children are underweight, and many malnourished children have recovered their health.

"I enjoy eating papaya at school each week, which we grow in our school garden."

- Jeneba (12), Togogana community, Mali


 84% of children 12 to 23 months old are immunised.

Thanks to you, children and families are receiving the healthcare they need.

You're protecting children and their families from infection and disease by providing access to essential health services that help children live long and healthy lives. Because of you, children are getting their vaccinations on time, fewer kids are hungry or sick, and many more are growing up strong and healthy. Thank you.

You've helped increase the number of children aged 12 to 23 months receiving their immunisations from just 58% in 2007 to a life-changing 84% in 2020. What an incredible achievement!

You've equipped local health centres with medicine to treat patients, so families are supported by local health workers who check on their children's health.


 82% of families now practise safe hand-washing.

Handwashing in Togogana

Thanks to your support, families in Togogana now have more sources of clean water, and they're equipped with the skills to maintain them.

Now, more than ever, good hand-washing behaviours are vital for families to stay healthy and safe. Your support has helped increase the number of families with good hand-washing behaviours from just 39% in 2010 to 82% at the time of the most recent reporting.

Clean water means life. Thanks to you, it now also means freedom for the children of Togogana – freedom from waterborne illnesses and long daily treks to collect dirty water for their family.

You've helped the people of Togogana have access to safe, clean water and toilets close to their homes, at schools and health centres. Thank you!

“Before, there was no water pump in the school toilets and children were sometimes obliged to use the bushes instead. Now, we can use the toilets and wash our hands afterwards.”

- Sali (13) Togogana community, Mali

Other ways you can help vulnerable children.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a Child

You can help another child break free from poverty, for good. Your sponsorship will help bring essentials like clean water, education and healthcare to a child and their community.

Childhood Rescue

Childhood Rescue

Children in the world’s most dangerous places need you now. Help them survive, recover and build a future. You can provide life-saving food, water and protection to kids whose lives are on the line.

Gift in your Will

Gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will to World Vision is a wonderfully generous way to ensure the values that are important to you live on, as you continue impacting communities around the world.