Palaw Community, Myanmar

Palaw Community, Myanmar
  • Population51,374
  • Villages36
  • Temp 26°C
In Palaw, families rely on farming for employment and food. The area is prone to flooding, and the monsoon season can be devastating. Poor roads mean pregnant mothers are often not able to get to health centres safely. Many children under age five are malnourished.

Migration in this coastal community is responsible for a high prevalence of HIV and treatment is difficult due to a lack of healthcare services.

Schools are long distances away, so many children are not able to attend.

Your support is making a life-changing impact for children in Palaw.

48 people participated in training sessions on how to monitor growth and nutrition in vulnerable children.

85 children are now able to eat lunch in a new, purpose-built dining room while they are at nursery school.

2,500 students learned more about children’s rights at a Rights of the Child event presented together with the township.

1,530 children benefited from personal development activities about character-building and respect for others.

Partnering together for a sustainable future.

By sponsoring children in Palaw community, you are making an incredible difference in vulnerable children’s lives.

Your support is helping Palaw community by improving the physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being of the most vulnerable children.

Through decades of experience, we have proven that the most effective way to help a child is to strengthen their entire community, caring for every child along the way. In fact, because of these community-focused solutions, for every child you sponsor, 4 more benefit too!

Together, we are tackling the hard problems, such as changing mindsets and behaviours to address the root causes of poverty. We're focusing on building skills, hope and opportunity for the children of Palaw community.

“I am so happy to see my parents’ attitude and behaviour change. There’s no more fighting at home.”

- Oo (14), Palaw community, Myanmar

Oo pictured in the middle

Transforming communities together.

We will continue our partnership with the Palaw community until 2023. Continuing to build knowledge, skills and resilience through sustainable projects; equipping the community to identify and effectively respond to needs as they arise.

Started 2009

Completing 2023

Other ways you can help vulnerable children.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a Child

You can help another child break free from poverty, for good. Your sponsorship will help bring essentials like clean water, education and healthcare to a child and their community.

Childhood Rescue

Childhood Rescue

Children in the world’s most dangerous places need you now. Help them survive, recover and build a future. You can provide life-saving food, water and protection to kids whose lives are on the line.

Gift in your Will

Gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will to World Vision is a wonderfully generous way to ensure the values that are important to you live on, as you continue impacting communities around the world.