Become a child sponsor today

Isabel, age 8, Malawi

You're about to change a child's life. And their whole community! Your support can help provide food, clean water, education, healthcare, protection and family income opportunities – the tools to break free from poverty, for good.

Right now, 1,000 girls urgently need a sponsor to help them stay in school, safe from child marriage.

"If there wasn't support from World Vision, today I also would have been married."

In the time it takes you to read this sentence, another girl will be forced into marriage. Every 3 seconds, a girl under 18 is married as a child.

Susma is on a mission to change that. With the support of World Vision, Susma learned her rights and is helping girls in her community to stay in school.

"If there wasn’t support from World Vision, there might not have been trainings. And if I hadn’t joined the trainings and had the opportunity to become a leader of social movements, today, I also would have been married,” she says.

Right now, 1,000 girls like Susma urgently need a sponsor to help them stay in school, safe from child marriage.

Be Chosen

Instead of you finding a child to sponsor, you can sign up to be chosen by a child. Send in your photo and empower a child to choose you as their sponsor.

It’s fun to find out who chose you and why. “Because you look smart” and “You’re a united and cute family” are just some of the sweet reasons that children have shared so far. It’s a life-changing first choice you can give a child today.


Child Sponsorship changes children's lives by transforming the community where they live. Using your donations, we identify the causes of children's poverty and vulnerability and create development projects to address them. Child sponsorship pairs one sponsor with one child and allows you to connect through letters and photos.
Through Child Sponsorship, World Vision transforms the lives of your Sponsor Child’s whole community; enabling your child, their family, and their wider community to have access to better healthcare, education, water and economic opportunities.

To change a child’s life, you have to change the world in which they live. Your money does not go directly to your sponsor child, or their family, but enables World Vision to work with their entire community to have an even bigger impact and make long-term sustainable change for everyone. As a member of this community, your Sponsor Child receives the benefits of this incredible change and their own lives are transformed. It’s a pretty incredible change to be a part of!
In most cases, it will be throughout their childhood and into their teens. Many children remain in the sponsorship programme for the duration of World Vision's work in their community. In this way, you could follow their journey into young adulthood.

In some cases, children leave the sponsorship programme unexpectedly. For example, the child's family may move away from the area World Vision is working in. If this happens with your sponsored child, we will let you know as soon as possible and offer you sponsorship of another child.

Most children will be in the sponsorship programme until their community has begun to reach most of its goals, and become self-sustainable. As a project comes to a close we will let you know of the achievements in the community so you can celebrate with us, and we’ll offer you another child to sponsor so the development process can begin again in another community.
When you sponsor a child, you build a special relationship that encourages your child with hope for the future. Your donations join forces with other sponsors to lift your child, their community, and other vulnerable children out of poverty for good. Your support helps pursue the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of vulnerable children.