A consensus Modern Slavery Bill drafted to secure bi-partisan support!

16 Dec 2024 by World Vision
A consensus Modern Slavery Bill drafted to secure bi-partisan support!

World Vision is celebrating a significant milestone toward modern slavery legislation in New Zealand with the release of the Combatting Trafficking in Persons and Modern Day Forms of Slavery Bill (Modern Slavery Bill), along with a detailed report.

This consensus bill, drafted by independent experts — including World Vision’s Head of Advocacy Rebekah Armstrong, criminal and regulatory barrister Jacob Parry and ANZ’s ESG Lead Rebecca Kingi—is designed to achieve bipartisan support from both National and Labour.

Drafted to help fast-track progress on modern slavery laws in New Zealand, this bill addresses the urgent need to combat modern slavery and trafficking in persons in New Zealand and in the global operations and supply chains of Kiwi entities.

What’s in the Bill?

The Modern Slavery Bill aims to enhance enforcement, protect victims, and hold New Zealand companies to account to address modern slavery in their operations and supply chains.

Key highlights of the bill:
  • Enhances New Zealand’s ability to combat trafficking in persons and modern slavery, aligning with international standards.
  • Mandates private and public entities to report on how they identify, address, mitigate, and remediate risks of trafficking in persons and broader forms of modern slavery within their operations and supply chains.
  • Establishes an Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner to monitor progress and provide accountability.
  • Strengthens legal provisions related to trafficking in persons offences (updates sections 98B and 98D of the Crimes Act).
  • Strengthens protections for victims of trafficking in persons.

Why This Bill Matters Now

This bill comes at a pivotal time, building on momentum for modern slavery legislation that has gained traction over the last three years. The call for stronger modern slavery laws is clear with 81% of Kiwis and over 100 New Zealand businesses expressing support for such legislation.

The bill not only seeks to tackle modern slavery but also aligns New Zealand with international standards, sending a strong message about our country’s commitment to ending exploitation globally.

New Zealand has faced significant criticism in 2024 from the United Nations Universal Periodic Review and CEDAW Committee as well as the annual TIP report on our low rate of prosecutions and lack of protection for victim-survivors. As such, this bill strengthens the legal framework for TIP and updates sections 98D and 98B of the Crimes Act to align with international definitions.

What’s next?

World Vision calls on New Zealand's major political parties—Labour and the National Party—to adopt this independently drafted bill.

We hope to see this consensus bill be introduced as a bipartisan private members' bill early next year and go through a select committee process with thorough consultation. If introduced next year, it could become law within this term of government.

Politicians must come together to pass this bill. Addressing modern slavery should not be politically contentious and all politicians should unite to end child trafficking, forced labour, and exploitative working conditions.

How You Can Help

This milestone reflects three years of collaboration, including YOUR support and advocacy actions. Now, more than ever, we need your help to push this bill across the finish line.

Contact your local MP and share your support for modern slavery legislation. Let them know why this issue matters to you and how important it is for New Zealand to have strong laws to help the 50 million people trapped in slavery.

Together, we’re closer to having modern slavery legislation in NZ.

Read a report detailing the need for modern slavery legislation and the draft bill here.