Sponsor a child

Change a child’s life - and yours,
by sponsoring a child in need today.

Sponsor a child now


Right now, for $54 a month, your kindness can help a child and their community to break free from poverty, for good. You'll provide life-changing essentials like nutritious food, clean water, healthcare, education, protection and more – essentials your sponsored child and other children in their community need to build brighter futures for themselves.

How to sponsor a child: You can choose a child to sponsor or sign-up to be chosen by a child. It only takes a few moments to become a child sponsor. But your impact can last a lifetime.

How does Child Sponsorship work?

Sign up to sponsor a child

Connect with your sponsored child

See your gifts at work...

... and celebrate the progress!

"11 years old? It's too young to be a bride."

Monika is on a mission to stop child marriage because someone like you sponsored her at 5 years old. She knows her rights and now she's fighting for other girls like her.

"I've stopped 10 child marriages, but thousands more girls urgently need your help," she says.

Monika is now president of the youth forum in her community, and her team go village to village helping girls find a way out of forced marriages.

“Child marriage can be prevented if we all work together,”says Monika, whose own sister and mother were both forced to marry very young. Your sponsorship today can help a girl write her own future.

Please, join Kiwis rising up to help 1,000 girls fight for their rights. Sponsor a girl like Monika and help her become the force of change she was born to be.

Sponsor a girl

Learn more about Chosen, our alternative approach to Child Sponsorship

Learn more about Chosen, our alternative approach to Child Sponsorship

Instead of choosing a child to sponsor, you can sign up to be chosen by a child. Send in your photo and empower a child to choose you as their sponsor!

When you sign-up to be Chosen™, you'll  step into a life-changing connection with your sponsored child and their community. You'll empower a child to make lasting change in their own life – and even in yours. It all starts with a first choice.

It's fun to find out who chose you and why. "Because you look smart" and "You're a united and cute family" are just some of the sweet reasons that children have shared so far. It's a life-changing first choice you can give a child today.

I want to be Chosen!

Have questions about sponsoring a child?

Please provide your information below and we will be in touch to help.


Child Sponsorship changes children's lives by transforming the community where they live. Using your donations, we identify the causes of children's poverty and vulnerability and create development projects to address them. Child sponsorship pairs one sponsor with one child and allows you to connect through letters and photos.
Through Child Sponsorship, World Vision transforms the lives of your Sponsor Child’s whole community; enabling your child, their family, and their wider community to have access to better healthcare, education, water and economic opportunities.

To change a child’s life, you have to change the world in which they live. Your money does not go directly to your sponsor child, or their family, but enables World Vision to work with their entire community to have an even bigger impact and make long-term sustainable change for everyone. As a member of this community, your Sponsor Child receives the benefits of this incredible change and their own lives are transformed. It’s a pretty incredible change to be a part of!
In most cases, it will be throughout their childhood and into their teens. Many children remain in the sponsorship programme for the duration of World Vision's work in their community. In this way, you could follow their journey into young adulthood.

In some cases, children leave the sponsorship programme unexpectedly. For example, the child's family may move away from the area World Vision is working in. If this happens with your sponsored child, we will let you know as soon as possible and offer you sponsorship of another child.

Most children will be in the sponsorship programme until their community has begun to reach most of its goals, and become self-sustainable. As a project comes to a close we will let you know of the achievements in the community so you can celebrate with us, and we’ll offer you another child to sponsor so the development process can begin again in another community.
When you sponsor a child, you build a special relationship that encourages your child with hope for the future. Your donations join forces with other sponsors to lift your child, their community, and other vulnerable children out of poverty for good. Your support helps pursue the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of vulnerable children.

We ensure all resources entrusted to us are used effectively to bring maximum impact.

As part of an international partnership working in nearly 100 countries, World Vision New Zealand pursues the highest standards of stewardship and accountability.

In 2023, 82% of World Vision New Zealand's total operating expenses were used for international program support that benefited children, families and communities in need. Learn more.